Cerita Traveling : Mustafa really love Football
Visit ke dua ke Amman, Jordania, negara 'baru' dalam khasanah arab, dulu Jordania selain Petra, adalah gurun pasirnya bangsa Palestina. Beberapa hari menjelang final Piala Eropa 2008, Spanyol melawan Jerman.
Ibrahim, kristiani immigrant dari Palestina menjemput saya dari hotel, senyum ramahnya selalu memberi rasa nyaman.
Sepanjang mobil Ibrahim mengupdate beberapa hal tentang Amman, tanya tentang hotel saya sekarang dan perbandingannya dengan Four Seasons waktu visit pertama (yaa jauh atuh akang!!!)
dan pergantian personil di pabrik, dan yang paling penting, Mustafa pindah ke QC sekarang, sebelumnya dia manager produksi.
Mustafa ke QC?? dia pasti kurang nyaman, pikir saya, karena Mustafa bukan orang yang senang dengan rutinitas seperti QC, cuma check data tapi action dilakukan oleh orang produksi. Mustafa adalah orang yang bertipikal action.
Dan satu hal tentang Mustafa, he really love football.
Ibrahim comment : Isnandar, yesterday, Mustafa's man informed me that they facing issues on your product, I hope you can settle it during your visit bro.
Aku segera text KualaLumpur (KL), karena sebelum berangkat, pabrik di KL mengatakan tidak ada issue apapun mereka dapatkan dari Amman. So, ini pasti a courtesy complaint, handlingnya beda.
Begitu sampai di pabrik, setelah salam-salam dengan beberapa teman, Ibrahim langsung mengantarkan saya ke ruang QC, hadapi complaint dari QC. Mustafa belum datang.
Sambil diskusi dengan QC tentang complain, Mustafa lalu datang:
Mustafa : Hai Isnandar, welcome back to Jordan, how are you?
Me : Thank you Mustafa, you looks good, how is your plan to take MBA program?
Mustafa : still think of it, I read about good campus in Dubai, do you know about it?
Mustafa : so Isnandar, what are the topic we should discuss now?
Me : Mustafa, we have three urgent topics to discuss, and we should settle all today.
Mustafa : what?!! 3 topics? come on Isnandar, what are they? (mukanya berkerut)
Me : number one topic, I just read local newspaper, and learn Israeli soldier doing bad thing to Palestinian youth on the refugee camp...Your comment and updated story for me brother
Mustafa : (dengan muka sangat bersemangat) f**k Israeli, you know what Isnandar, these are the complete story that you will not read from the media....(&(%*(*^
Mustafa : number 2 topic please Isnandar
Me : your boy informed me that you have technical complaint on my products, don't worry, I will handle it
Mustafa : Oo gosh (melihat ke anak buahnya, muka masam), what was happening?... hmm what the topic number 3 will be Isnandar?
Me : Mustafa, I think the topic number 3 is the most important topic we should discuss now, tomorrow is final or European Champion, whose side are you? Spain or Germany?
Mustafa : (langsung bergairah), YESSS, this is the most important topics, I am on Spain side!!! and You?
lalu melihat ke arah anak buahnya? : Please hold the complaint issue, you all go to your side first, I need to discuss bout this with Isnandar, this is important, I will call you all after we finish. Okey!!
Mustafa: who do you think will score? Torres or Xavi?
Mustafa: who do you think will score? Torres or Xavi?
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